
Owner and responsible for the content of this website:

Claudia Masur Photography

Claudia Masur

Lionstrasse  5
04177 Leipzig

Office: 0341.26398256
Mobile: 0163.2576117


VAT ID: DE275001436

Liability notice
Despite careful control of the content, I assume no liability for the content of external links.  The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

© 2023 All contents of this website are protected by copyright.  Their use is subject to the applicable laws.  Any use of the content, including extracts, especially for commercial purposes, requires the consent of the rights holder.

All photos on this website are the exclusive property of Claudia Masur and are under international copyright and trademark law and are intellectual property rights.  The copyright belongs to the photographer Claudia Masur.  No photo on this website may be used in any form or changed in any way without prior consent.  If you would like to use photos in any way, please send me a message.  For more information, please refer to Creative Commons.

Responsible for the design and construction of the website:

DIGITAL MEDIA WORLD |  Claudia Kreissl
Frankfurt am Main